The views and opinions presented here are solely that – views and opinions. Ultimately, it is up to you to form your own conclusions. We welcome and encourage you to share your thoughts in the comments section following each post.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

  I asked an AI Program to tell me about Jesus. Here is what it wrote all on its own! Jesus of Nazareth, also known as Jesus Christ, is a central figure in Christianity and one of the most important figures in world history. He is believed by Christians to be the...

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Different Views on the Rock

Different Views on the Rock

The first thing I learned during my course on hermeneutics was a simple axiom. When reading a passage in the Bible within context, if it makes sense seek no other sense. Granted, not all passages are easy to understand. However, most are very clear. This post is...

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Pyramids of Egypt

Pyramids of Egypt

Were the pyramids of Egypt built by the Egyptians? That seems like an easy one to answer but not to those caught up in alternate theories of the world. This came to mind again when a friend sent a link that seemed to indicate the Great Pyramid could not have been...

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Peace on Earth

Peace on Earth

For years we may have heard the passage: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men" around Christmas. Typically it is said that way because in America the King James and New King James Bibles were so popular among the majority of...

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Judgment in the Bible

Judgment in the Bible

The Bible talks about judgment in many ways. The most often cited two words are Judge Not. This particular saying of Jesus is taken out of context by those who are either non-believers or Christians who have never considered the full context. Let's see what the Bible...

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A Strange Belief?

A Strange Belief?

There are two subjects I want to address in this post. First, how should we react when our faith is questioned or slandered? Second, is there an answer to people that compare Christianity to other strange religious views? Background Recently a YouTube Short popped up...

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Science & Reality

Science & Reality

One of the biggest challenges I have faced is the argument over creation. I want to address this immediately as it will often come up. I'm a very serious person when it comes to science and the philosophical theories that surround the subject of creation. I do not...

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