Re-Writing Science Text Books

Re-Writing Science Text Books

There is a lot to say on the subject of science versus religion in general, let alone Christianity specifically. At the top of that list is creation and as we dig further I suggest the very nature of reality itself. You might think the “science” is...
Meditations – Philosophy – Religion

Meditations – Philosophy – Religion

Meditations versus Philosophy versus Religious texts. A good friend asked a question by text. I’m correcting the grammar but the question is the same: I find that the World would be a better place if people read more of “Meditations” and less of...
Book of Enoch & Extraterrestrials?

Book of Enoch & Extraterrestrials?

Does the Book of Enoch speak of extraterrestrials or simply angels? It depends on your understanding of an extraterrestrial. Are angels not of this earth? What about fallen angels? The question of whether the Book of Enoch speaks of extraterrestrials or simply angels...