Historically, the term Pope (from the Latin papa, meaning father) was not used exclusively for the Pope in Rome. In the early centuries of Christianity, it was a more general title for respected bishops, especially in the Eastern Christian world.For example, in the...
Atheists and Atheism Atheists will often argue the burden of proof is on the person who believes in God. From a logical perspective, no, atheists are not correct in saying that believers must first prove God’s existence. Here’s why: Burden of Proof:...
I came across a couple of videos explaining the Hebrew meaning of the names found in Genesis 5:1-32. It claimed the meaning of the names and told the general story of man falling and Jesus coming as the Savior. Here is a link to one video. I’ve always been a bit...
There is a lot to say on the subject of science versus religion in general, let alone Christianity specifically. At the top of that list is creation and as we dig further I suggest the very nature of reality itself. You might think the “science” is...
This is an inspiring story about a friend. The radio show “Unshackled!” has been around since 1950. Produced by Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago, it is known for being the longest-running radio drama in history. The program features true stories of people...