Oh, absolutely! Who needs predestination when we can all just float around aimlessly, right? I mean, why bother with any semblance of a plan or purpose when we can just let life happen randomly? It’s not like there are countless verses in the Bible that speak about God’s foreknowledge and sovereign control over everything. Nope, throw all that out the window because clearly, human free will is the one true ruler of our existence. Forget about those passages where it says God chose His people before the foundation of the world or how He works all things according to His will. It’s much more fun to believe that we’re all just here as cosmic accidents, navigating our way through this chaotic universe with no divine guidance whatsoever. So go ahead and discard any notion of predestination in the Bible – it’s clearly a bunch of hogwash!

However, dismissing the concept of predestination based on a simplistic understanding would be a grave oversight. While it is true that human will plays a significant role in our lives, it does not negate the idea of divine guidance and purpose. The Bible presents a complex tapestry of both predestination and self-will, intertwining them in a way that surpasses our limited comprehension. Rather than discarding the notion of predestination as hogwash, it is essential to delve deeper into the scriptures and seek a more nuanced understanding. By doing so, we can embrace the mystery of God’s sovereignty while still acknowledging the significance of our choices and actions.

When we explore the concept of predestination, we must also consider the idea of God’s omniscience. While it may seem contradictory to think that our choices are predetermined, it is important to remember that God exists outside of time and has a complete understanding of our past, present, and future. This divine knowledge allows for the intertwining of predestination and human self-will in a way that is beyond our comprehension. Rather than viewing predestination as a limitation on our freedom, we can see it as a comforting assurance that God has a plan for each of us. It is through our choices and actions that we participate in this divine plan, and by seeking a deeper understanding of the scriptures, we can find solace in the mystery of God’s sovereignty.

It is hard to convey how this works in the minds of those who believe. I am not saying those who believe in free will are not Christians. I’m sure there is a reason that we all feel a sense of what we call free will. However, nobody knows where the will exists. You can follow it back in your mind and say you know why you chose a particular thing. The problem is you don’t know the root of it, you just know it is.

For example, ask someone about their favorite color. They will often give a quick answer. Ask them to explain why they prefer that color and they will not be able to put their finger on it. Another example is when we chose a car. Some like sports cars and even a particular type. Others prefer more practical vehicles, maybe because of comfort. Again, we know what we like but cannot always explain why.

If humans cannot answer some of these more basic questions relating to the will how can we say it is free? The only one with free will is God. Our will is limited by being less than God. This often comes down to the discussion of who is going to heaven and who is not. The argument often boils down to fairness. Let’s look at it both ways.

Let’s say you choose to be a Christian by way of the commonly used term your own free will. What does that mean for people who were never given the opportunity? Another example is you heard the Gospel and rejected it because of some bad experience in life. For example, a relative who always talked about his faith in Christ but was a horrible human being, a hypocrite. Well, that simply means you were unlucky enough to have this bad experience that caused you to reject Jesus Christ. Is that fair?

Now let’s say you are predestined to heaven or hell. The argument is God is unjust. Why would He judge us if He predetermined us? This is the exact question asked in the Bible to Paul when he explains you are predestined in Romans 9. He explains that God has the right to do as He pleases.

That does not appear to be a satisfactory answer to most people. It outrages many and frustrates others. It does this to the point where people will then deny this part of scripture is accurate. It has led some to want to throw out all the words of Paul. That is one way to deal with it. However, there is a much bigger problem than Paul. Predestination is taught by others in the New Testament including Jesus Himself. John 15:16

Peter, James, Paul and others agree with Jesus and teach this throughout. Here is a link to a larger list of Old and New Testament passages.

While the understanding of election is likely different in the minds of some people it is perfectly clear in the Biblical passages. Yes, there is a human will. That is the part that rages against the idea of predestination and election by God. I do not dislike those who believe their will is free and that they chose to follow Christ out of their own will. I just don’t understand that type of arrogance and lack of gratitude. I know this because I once believed it myself and raged against the truth. Accepting it has brought a higher level of peace to my life and I hope it does to yours as well.

For those who cannot humble themselves before God to this extent, I believe your life will be harder. I also believe it is there for a reason. I believe all things server the purpose of God our Father and Creator. So who needs predestination? Maybe it is you.