Here is the video from YouTube
However, even atheists believe in things they cannot be shown. Show me gravity. You cannot see it but you can see the effects. Show me the wind. You cannot. Again you see the effects. Show me a quantum particle in super position. Until recently you could not but we always believed it was there.
A more intellectually honest position would be agnosticism.
Funny how I can show the effects of gravity. You can’t show your god merely exists or that that it does anything at all, and despite the promises in your bible, not one of you self-professed Christians can do what Jesus promises. Per your own bible you are frauds. The wind affects things, your imaginary friend affects nothing at all.
Agnosticism is only appropriate when it comes to gods that have no attributes. It’s no problem showing that your god doesn’t exist, since we have lots of claims about what it has done, what it wants, etc, from you Christians. Curious how not a single supposed god caused event can be shown to have happened. No genesis, no magic flood, no exodus, no Jesus. Christians can’t agree on where, when and how any of those bits of nonsense happened.
Those are some intriguing viewpoints you have there. I think it might be helpful for you to know a little more about me, but I’ll be brief. I used to have similar thoughts as you do now. I’ve been through some tough times, and many people would say I’ve had a difficult life. But I don’t regret any of it because those experiences have shaped me into the person I am today.
Some people are overwhelmed by their life experiences, and I have a feeling that might be the case for you. I’m not claiming God is whispering in my ear or anything like that. I have a sense of recognizing pain in others. If you think I can offer some help or support, feel free to reach out to me. I don’t sit around judging people who have other viewpoints since I’ve probably held the same view in the past.
As for the idea God does not exist, well, that is just another viewpoint. I asked myself a lot of questions about the veracity of the claim in my own life. What evidence is there? Over time my conclusions changed. When I got past my anger and pain in life my views became less emotional and more analytical.
First, I realized it was at the very least a possibility God existed. Most of the world believed in something. Then I studied the major religions of the world, ignoring Christianity because it was the main religion of my culture and country. Plus, Christians were so pushy and too self-assured for my liking. Add to that they all had various denominational views. If they were right, which one was right? Nope, Christianity was last on my list.
As I studied I found the same was true with all major religions. They all had differing views and sects. Most of them taught some similar principles of conduct like a Golden Rule of sorts. However, they varied deeply on other main issues, even of conduct. Things like honor killing and ritual suicide are at the top of the list. This was all before the internet and even cable TV. Information was limited for sure. You had to really seek it out by reading or directly talking to leaders of various faith groups. I read a lot.
I even read Anton LaVey‘s Satanic Bible. I recall getting to a point in his book that made me put it down because he was right. “He that is slow to believe anything and everything is of great understanding, for belief in one false principle is the beginning of all unwisdom.” Book of Satan II 7
Why did I put it down after reading that true statement? I must have been only a teenager but I was smart enough to understand he had already presented one false principle in his book. “I request reason for your golden rule and ask the why and wherefore of your ten commandments.” Book of Satan I 4
The Golden Rule, in some form, was found in nearly every religion. It was a priori, so the rest of his book was based on a false principle which would lead to “unwisdom”. In other words, he shot down his own views. I say all this so you know I did not arrive at my conclusions without study and reason, even things most would not read.
When it comes to the atheist claim “there is no God” that too is a matter of faith. The burden of proof is on the one making the claim. It goes both ways. However, the burden also lies at the feet of those in the minority view. Atheism is the minority view. The God view is the status quo and is called the burden of presumption. See this article.
I know you may not want to agree but to me it is simple. The creation requires a creator. Even if someone says the universe was created by “natural” means, it is still a creation. Look around, I present to you the creation. Who or what created it is the question.
Atheists apply the same attributes of a creator to time, space and matter. Given enough time, space and matter you get this creation. Therefore, that is their view of god. They don’t call it god but apply the same attributes to it as the creator God. Christians look beyond time, space and matter and see God as the creator of time, space and matter. I show you God by logical deduction knowing you will not accept it. You cannot see God but you can see the effects of God in all creation.
As for Jesus, there is more evidence that He existed than there is that Plato, Alexander the Great, George Washington and many others existed.
I do wish you well. Something brought you here. It was not an accident. Think about that.
The truth is that Jesus did, in fact, exist. Historical writings/records from both the Romans and the Jews document the man Jesus. To dispute the existance of Jesus is just as ridiculous to deny gravity.
So the question left to resolve is this, is/was Jesus who he said he was?
The answer to that question is a matter of logic and deduction. Did Jesus prove he had the power over life and death? (Can we accept that only a God could possibly have the power over life/death/and resurrection?)
First, the resurrection of Lazarus. It could have easily been disputed by contemporaries of the day, yet no historical record has been found that would dispute it. Given the hatred of Jesus by the religious leaders of the day, isn’t it unimaginable that if they could discredit the “rising from the dead” story of Lazarus they would have?
What about the resurrection of Jesus himself? There were too many eyewitness accounts to discredit the evidence of his life after death. Do you think the Romans and the religious leaders didn’t “try” to locate the body of the dead Jesus to “PROVE” that Jesus was in fact, dead, and therefore a “fraud”?
No, logic dictates if the leaders of the day could possibly have discredited Jesus (and his followers) they certainly would have. If the man Jesus existed (certain proof) and his power of life and death was never disproven, then the only conclusion is that Jesus is exactly who he claimed to be… if one refuses to belive this fact, they must suspend believability and ignore logic.
“To those who believe, no proof is necessary, to those who do not believe, no proof is possible”.