Predestination: Divine Plan or Cosmic Accident?
I asked Google's Gemini to consolidate my blog posts on the subject of predestination and free will. Below is what it came up with. What do you think? In Christian circles, few topics spark as much debate and confusion as predestination. While some dismiss it as...
Atheists and Atheism Atheists will often argue the burden of proof is on the person who believes in God. From a logical perspective, no, atheists are not correct in saying that believers must first prove God's existence. Here's why: Burden of Proof: Atheism is not...
The Names In Genesis 5
I came across a couple of videos explaining the Hebrew meaning of the names found in Genesis 5:1-32. It claimed the meaning of the names and told the general story of man falling and Jesus coming as the Savior. Here is a link to one video....
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Matthew 19:14